Redaction Services

Redacting confidential information in a document


During the first World War over 12 million letters a week were delivered to soldiers.  It was a vital way of keeping contact with loved ones at home.  These letters would on average take three days to reach the front and were extremely valuable in boosting moral. The returning post would take a little longer [...]

Redacting confidential information in a document2021-12-08T11:34:40+00:00

What does it mean to redact a document?


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) gives individuals the right to request a copy of any of their personal data which is being ‘processed’. Any person be they employee, customer, supplier or even member of the general public has a right to a copy of any personal data you are holding or processing in your [...]

What does it mean to redact a document?2020-02-24T11:50:25+00:00

Supermarkets and Retail Outlets – CCTV Redaction


As a retailer you will be concerned with stock levels, profits, staff issues, competitors and preventing shoplifting.  That’s enough stress for any business owner.  However, the whole area of GDPR compliance has added an additional worry for many. Request for CCTV It’s not widely known that if a member of the public wants to view [...]

Supermarkets and Retail Outlets – CCTV Redaction2019-08-21T20:34:41+01:00

Solicitors Requests and CCTV Redaction


A solicitor’s letter arriving along with your normal business post can instantly put you on edge.  It’s the worry of something new to be concerned about, some issue that needs to be addressed.  Normally it’s complicated, expensive, time consuming and a headache you can do without.  What would you do if that letter was a [...]

Solicitors Requests and CCTV Redaction2019-04-08T15:48:26+01:00
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