ISO 27001

CCTV Pixelation for Credit Unions


Sunday Business Post September 2023 As the Irish credit union sector evolves from a traditional savings and loans model to a full-service retail banking alternative, it faces new challenges and opportunities, not least in terms of technology and document management. A question being asked across the sector is how can credit unions leverage the latest [...]

CCTV Pixelation for Credit Unions2023-09-11T14:16:42+01:00

How to Avoid Common Pitfalls when Redacting CCTV Footage


Here are a few tips and observations on how to handle Subject Access Requests which include CCTV footage.  As a leading provider of redaction services in Ireland Datascan Redaction have learned how to avoid some common pitfalls in this area. These are based on our experience of handling video footage over the last five [...]

How to Avoid Common Pitfalls when Redacting CCTV Footage2022-01-17T11:50:05+00:00

Are You Sure Your Redacted Footage is Suitable?


When you are asked to share your business CCTV Footage to a third party it will most likely need to be redacted to avoid any issues with data protection.  Of course, you can try and blur the faces yourself, but will that be sufficient?  More than likely not, and you don’t want to leave [...]

Are You Sure Your Redacted Footage is Suitable?2022-01-12T12:33:45+00:00

Using video and document redaction to protect students and staff.


CCTV is used in schools and college to protect students, staff and property. While this is normal practice, there are certain protocols that need to be followed should the footage need to be shared. Likewise, the head of the school or college is responsible for keeping sensitive files and documents secure.  However, on occasion these [...]

Using video and document redaction to protect students and staff.2021-10-05T09:45:11+01:00
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