Redaction for Schools and Colleges datascan redaction

CCTV is used in schools and college to protect students, staff and property. While this is normal practice, there are certain protocols that need to be followed should the footage need to be shared.

Likewise, the head of the school or college is responsible for keeping sensitive files and documents secure.  However, on occasion these documents need to be shared with a third party and that is when they need to be redacted for privacy measures.

CCTV Redaction

It is so important to protect the privacy of the person in video footage. For example, when investigating an incident between two students on the way into class CCTV footage may need to be provided to a third party.  The other students and teachers in that footage cannot be identified so their faces need to be blurred.

Protecting Privacy

There could be significant data held on students and staff at an educational facility. These would include staff contracts, health records, discipline information, incident reports and academic information. Much of this is sensitive information and if it is to be shared, it would need to be protected to comply with GDPR.

Document Redaction

Should a report on an incident need to be shared to a third party it may need to be redacted to obscure the identity of other parties in the report.  This is to protect the privacy of the student or staff and to comply with data protection laws.  For example, a teacher report that names several students whose identities should not be visitable to that third party. The redaction of certain details could be on a printed document or indeed a pdf or email, so it is important that it is completed correctly.


Knowing what should be redacted and having the right systems in place to complete this accurately will ensure the compliance of the college or school.

At Datascan Redaction, our expert team have the latest technology that can quickly redact images and documents to keep you compliant. Our redaction methods mean that we can redact soft or hard copy and all meta-data is removed.

Your data is held securely by us, and we will return the original format to you along with the redacted copy.  In addition to schools, we are experienced in working with clients in many industries where confidentiality is key – they include medical, legal and governmental agencies.  Plus, we are certified to ISO27001, to instill further confidence.  For more information and a competitive quote talk to our expert team today.