Helping heads to make sure school CCTV is compliant


Sunday Business Post August 2023 CCTV cameras are increasingly used in schools across Ireland. This footage can contain personal data that needs to be handled in compliance with privacy legislation including the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Schools have great responsibilities when it comes to managing this CCTV footage.  The right partnership can [...]

Helping heads to make sure school CCTV is compliant2023-08-28T14:29:07+01:00

Video Redaction for Irish Credit Unions


The GDPR gives consumers control over their personal data. It requires a business to be able to access and handle any requests for personal information quickly, efficiently and in the right way. When a Credit Union is approached with a request to share their CCTV footage, they must ensure they comply with the GDPR [...]

Video Redaction for Irish Credit Unions2023-05-16T13:37:41+01:00

Safeguarding Your Company’s Reputation with Redaction Services


Your company's reputation is everything. Protecting your or your client's personal data is critical to keeping that reputation intact, especially in an age where information travels at the speed of light. Redaction services can help protect you and keep you compliant with data protection legislation by removing sensitive information from documents and/or CCTV footage [...]

Safeguarding Your Company’s Reputation with Redaction Services2023-05-11T15:19:08+01:00

What You Need to Know About Redacting Information


You may have a vague idea of what video redaction is. More than likely you have seen it as part of a TV reality or documentary show where peoples faces have been blurred out. You may even have noticed document redaction on a thriller movie where vital information has been blocked out of documents [...]

What You Need to Know About Redacting Information2022-09-30T11:48:46+01:00

Redaction for your GP Surgery


CCTV is used in GP Surgeries and Medical Centres throughout Ireland to protect staff, patients, and property. While this is normal practice, there are certain protocols that need to be followed should the footage need to be shared. CCTV Footage Redaction If an incident occurs at your premises, perhaps an accident or altercation, you [...]

Redaction for your GP Surgery2022-02-01T11:28:55+00:00

How to Avoid Common Pitfalls when Redacting CCTV Footage


Here are a few tips and observations on how to handle Subject Access Requests which include CCTV footage.  As a leading provider of redaction services in Ireland Datascan Redaction have learned how to avoid some common pitfalls in this area. These are based on our experience of handling video footage over the last five [...]

How to Avoid Common Pitfalls when Redacting CCTV Footage2022-01-17T11:50:05+00:00

Are You Sure Your Redacted Footage is Suitable?


When you are asked to share your business CCTV Footage to a third party it will most likely need to be redacted to avoid any issues with data protection.  Of course, you can try and blur the faces yourself, but will that be sufficient?  More than likely not, and you don’t want to leave [...]

Are You Sure Your Redacted Footage is Suitable?2022-01-12T12:33:45+00:00

Using video and document redaction to protect students and staff.


CCTV is used in schools and college to protect students, staff and property. While this is normal practice, there are certain protocols that need to be followed should the footage need to be shared. Likewise, the head of the school or college is responsible for keeping sensitive files and documents secure.  However, on occasion these [...]

Using video and document redaction to protect students and staff.2021-10-05T09:45:11+01:00

Significant Increase in Data Redaction Requests across the Childcare Industry in Ireland


Over the past year, there has been an eightfold increase in data redaction requests for CCTV footage among providers in the childcare industry. Despite the childcare industry facing extended periods of closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the team at Datascan redacted 73 CCTV video files in 2020, a considerable increase on 2019. Challenge for [...]

Significant Increase in Data Redaction Requests across the Childcare Industry in Ireland2021-04-23T13:03:33+01:00

Video Redaction for Creches in Ireland


If you operate a creche your focus will be on ensuring that the children in your care are healthy and happy. Health and safety will be a priority for the childcare provider.  However, children can be full of excitement and can be prone to the occasional accident. Reporting an Incident Picture this common scenario, a [...]

Video Redaction for Creches in Ireland2020-11-04T14:58:08+00:00
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